

发布时间:2015-06-15 阅览数:

报告题目Language Acquisition in Nonhuman Primates



:Thomas E. Van Cantfort, Ph.D.(范看佛博士,心理學教授)


报告人简介:Thomas E. Van Cantfort, Ph.D.(范看佛博士,心理學教授),Department of Psychology ,Fayetteville State University

Interim Department Chair, Department of Psychology, Fayetteville State University, 9/2008 – 7/2011.

Director of the Psychology Program, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Fayetteville State University, 8/92 - 5/93.


Van Cantfort, T. E. (2013). Expanding the multicultural debate: Culture and nonhuman primates. In R. Eddy & V. Villanueva. A language and power anthology: Representations of race in a post-racist era. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. (多元文化爭議的延伸:文化與非人類之靈長類動物)

Fouts, R. S., Fouts, D. H., & Van Cantfort, T. E. (1989). The infant Loulis learns signs from cross-fostered chimpanzees. In R. A. Gardner, B. T. Gardner, & T. E. Van Cantfort (Eds.) Teaching sign language to chimpanzees, (pp. 280-292). Albany: State University of New York Press. (小黑猩猩 Loulis 從被人類領養的黑猩猩處學會用手語)


Gardner, R. A., Gardner, B. T., & Van Cantfort, T. E. (Eds.) (1989). Teaching sign language to chimpanzees. Albany: State University of New York Press. (黑猩猩手語教學)


Van Cantfort, T. E., Gardner, B. T., & Gardner, R. A. (1989). Developmental trends in replies to Wh-questions by children and chimpanzees. In R. A. Gardner, B. T. Gardner, & T. E. Van Cantfort (Eds.) Teaching sign language to chimpanzees, (pp. 198-239). Albany: State University of New York Press. (兒童與黑猩猩在回答人地時事物等相関問題之發展傾向)


Van Cantfort, T. E., & Rimpau, J. B. (1982). Sign language studies with children and chimpanzees. Sign Language Studies, 34, 15-72. (兒童與黑猩猩之手語硏究)

